Teste 01 do scriptLattes (período 2006-2014)

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos

Número total de itens: 58


1.   DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; MUGNAINI, R. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; PEREZ-ALCAZAR, J.. Análise da atualização dos currículos lattes: Uma análise macro sobre as datas das últimas atualizações dos currículos Lattes. Em: 4º Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria - EBBC, 2014.
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2.   MATTOS, A. B. ; HERRMANN, R. G. ; SHIGENO, K. K. ; FERIS, R. S.. A Mission-Oriented Citizen Science Platform for Efficient Flower Classification Based on Combination of Feature Descriptors. Em: International Workshop on Environmental Multimedia Retrieval 2014, 2014.
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3.   MATTOS, ANDRÉA BRITTO ; CARDONHA, CARLOS ; GALLO, DIEGO ; AVEGLIANO, PRISCILLA ; HERRMANN, RICARDO ; BORGER, SERGIO. Marker-based image recognition of dynamic content for the visually impaired. Em: the 11th Web for All Conference, p. 1, 2014.
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4.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; ROCHA, V.. Caracterização do banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES. Em: 4º Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria - EBBC, 2014.
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5.   MUGNAINI, R. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Comunicação científica no Brasil (1998-2012): indexação, crescimento, fluxo e dispersão. Em: 'Professor Gilberto Sotolongo Aguilar' International Seminar on Qualitative and Quantitative Studies on Science and Technology, 2014.
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6.   ROSSI, L. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Caracterização de árvores de genealogia acadêmica por meio de métricas em grafos. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2014.
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1.   Leandro, Jorge J. G. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; FERIS, Rogério S.. Shape Analysis using the Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform. Em: IEEE eScience Conference, 2013.
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2.   MATUSZEWSKI, D. J. ; LOPES, R. M. ; CESAR-JR, ROBERTO M.. Visual Rhythm-based method for continuous plankton monitoring. Em: IEEE eScience Conference, 2013.
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3.   MUGNAINI, R. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Correlation among the scientific production, supervisions and participation in defense examination committees in the Brazilian physicists community. Em: 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, v. I, p. 447-474, 2013.
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4.   PEREZ-CERVANTES, EVELYN ; MENA-CHALCO, JESUS P. ; OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F. DE ; CESAR, ROBERTO. Using Link Prediction to Estimate the Collaborative Influence of Researchers. Em: 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on eScience (eScience), p. 293-300, 2013.
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1.   CINTHO, M. ; FERREIRA, J e ; Cesar Jr., Roberto M.. Data-intensive analysis of HIV mutations. Em: IEEE International Conference on e-science, 2012.
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2.   DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; ALCÁZAR, J. J. P. ; TUESTA, E. F. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; MUGNAINI, R. ; SILVA, G. S.. Minerando e Caracterizando Dados de Currículos Lattes. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012.
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3.   DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; SILVA, G. S. ; OLIVEIRA, L. B. ; MALHEIRO, A. P. R. ; MEIRA, D. N. O.. Dinâmica das Relações de Coautoria nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Computação no Brasil. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012.
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4.   LIU, Y. ; DRIEMEIER, C. ; Cesar Jr., Roberto M.. Data-Oriented Research for Bioresource Utilization:a Case Study to Investigate Water Uptake in Cellulose Using Principal Components. Em: IEEE International Conference on e-science, 2012.
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5.   MATTOS, A. B. ; KAMPEN, M. V. ; CARRICO, C. ; CRIVELLARO, A.. E-commerce Market Analysis from a Graph-Based Product Classifier. Em: Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 2012.
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6.   MATUSZEWSKI, D. J. ; MARTINS, C. I. O. ; Cesar Jr., R.M. ; STRICKLER, R. ; LOPES, R. M.. Visual rhythm-based plankton detection method for ballast water quality assessment. Em: IEEE ICIP, 2012.
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7.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Caracterizando as redes de coautoria de currículos Lattes. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012.
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8.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; OLIVEIRA, L. B.. Perfil de Produção Bibliográfica dos Programas Brasileiros de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação. Em: 3º Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria - EBBC, 2012.
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9.   PEREZ-CERVANTES, EVELYN ; MENA-CHALCO, JESUS P. ; CESAR-JR, ROBERTO M.. Towards a quantitative academic internationalization assessment of Brazilian research groups. Em: 2nd workshop on Analyzing and Improving Collaborative eScience with Social Networks - IEEE eScience - 2012, p. 1-8, 2012.
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10.   TUESTA, E. F. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; ALCÁZAR, J. J. P. ; MUGNAINI, R. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Análise temporal da relação orientador-orientado: um estudo de caso sobre a produtividade dos pesquisadores doutores da área de Ciência da Computação. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012.
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1.   MARTINS, C. I. O. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; FREITAS, A. V. L. ; JORGE, L. R. ; Leandro, Jorge J. G.. Segmentation of Similar Images using Graph Matching and Community Detection. Em: 8th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 2011.
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2.   MATTOS, A. B. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. 3D facial animation based on structural registration. Em: XXIV Sibgrapi (Conference on Graphics, p. 1-6, 2011.
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3.   MATTOS, A. B. ; MONTAGNER, I. ; CRIVELLARO, A. ; KLAVA, B. ; BRUN, M.. Computer vision research at IBOPE Media automation tools to reduce human intervention. Em: XXIV Sibgrapi (Conference on Graphics, 2011.
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4.   Mena-Chalco, Jesús Pascual ; Cesar Jr., R.M.. Towards automatic discovery of co-authorship networks in the Brazilian academic areas. Em: Workshop On Measuring the Impact of e-Science Research (MeSR 2011) - In Conjunction with 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, p. 53-60, 2011.
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5.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; VELHO, L. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. 3D human face reconstruction using principal components spaces. Em: XXIV Sibgrapi Conference on Graphics, p. 1-6, 2011.
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6.   MORIMITSU, H. ; PIMENTEL, R. ; HASHIMOTO, M. ; Cesar Jr., R.M. ; HIRATA JR., R.. Wi-Fi and Keygraphs for Localization with Cell Phones. Em: Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision - IWMV - ICCV, 2011.
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7.   MORIMITSU, H. ; PIMENTEL, R. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Keygraphs for Sign Detection in Indoor Environments by Mobile Phones. Em: 8th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 2011.
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8.   NASCIMENTO, C. S. ; FREITAS, C. M. D. S. ; GALANTE, R. ; NEDEL, L. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Visualização interativa de redes sociais: um estudo de caso em redes de colaboração científica. Em: Simposio Latinoamericano sobre Computación Gráfica, p. 1-16, 2011.
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9.   PERCIANO, T. ; TUPIN, F. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; Cesar Jr., R.M.. A hierarchical Markov random field for road network extraction and its applicationwith optical and sar data. Em: 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011.
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10.   PINTO, S. C. D. ; Mena-Chalco, Jesús P. ; LOPES, Fabrício Martins ; VELHO, L ; Cesar Jr., R.M.. 3D Facial expression analysis by using 2D and 3D wavelet transforms. Em: 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2011, p. 1281-1284, 2011.
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1.   CARVALHO, M. A. ; COSTA, A. ; FERREIRA, A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Image Segmentation Using Component Tree and Normalized Cut. Em: SIBGRAPI, 2010.
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2.   CHUCTAYA, J. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; BELTRÁN-CASTAÑÓN, C. ; PATIÑO, R. ; HUMPIRE, G. ; RODRIGUEZ, A.. Detección de huevos helmintos mediante plantillas dinámicas. Em: XXXVIth Latin American Informatics Conference (XXXVI CLEI), p. 1-12, 2010.
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3.   FREIRE, A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; FERREIRA, C. E.. A column generation approach for the graph matching problem. Em: International Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR, 2010.
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4.   LOPES, Fabrício Martins ; MARTINS, C. I. O. ; Martins, David C. ; BARRERA, J ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. SFFS-MR: a floating search strategy for GRNs inference. Em: 5th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, 2010.
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5.   MATTOS, A. B. ; Mena-Chalco, Jesús P. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; VELHO, L. 3D Linear Facial Animation Based on Real Data. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing SIBGRAPI 2010, p. 271-278, 2010.
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6.   NOMA, A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Sparse Representations for Efficient Shape Matching. Em: SIBGRAPI, 2010.
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7.   PEREZ, E. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. A new approach to detect communities in multi-weighted co-authorship networks. Em: XXIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, p. 131-138, 2010.
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1.   HASHIMOTO, M. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Object Detection by Keygraph Classification. Em: 7th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 2009.
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2.   LOPES, Fabrício Martins ; MARTINS JR, D C ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Comparative study of GRN's inference methods based on feature selection by mutual information. Em: IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics - GENSIPS, 2009.
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3.   LOPES, Fabrício Martins ; Oliveira, E. A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Analysis of the GRNs inference by using Tsallis entropy and a feature selection approach. Em: 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2009), 2009.
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4.   MARTINS JR, D C ; Oliveira, E. A. ; SILVA, P J S ; HASHIMOTO, R. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Revealing temporal genetic regulatory networks from steady-state distributions. Em: IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics - GENSIPS, 2009.
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5.   MARTINS, C. I. O. ; MEDEIROS, F. N. S. ; VERAS, R. M. S. ; BEZERRA, F. N. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Evaluation of retinal vessel segmentation methods for microaneurysms detection. Em: International Conference on Image Processing, 2009.
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6.   NOMA, A. ; VELHO, L ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. A Computer-Assisted Colorization Approach based on Efficient Belief Propagation and Graph Matching. Em: 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2009), 2009.
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7.   PORTUGAL ZAMBRANO, C. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Estimación de distancias absolutas utilizando un puntero láser y una cámara web. Em: III Simposio Peruano de Computación Gráfica y Procesamiento de Imágenes, 2009.
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1.   GRACIANO, A B V ; PAIXAO, T. M. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; HIRATA JR., R.. A Backmapping Approach for Graph-based Object Tracking. Em: SIBGRAPI, 2008.
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2.   MEDINA-RODRIGUEZ, R. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Firmas genéticas en secuencias de ADN: un análisis en regiones codificantes y no codificantes de proteínas. Em: II Simposio Peruano de Computación Gráfica y Procesamiento de Imágenes, 2008.
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3.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; MACÊDO, I. ; VELHO, L. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. PCA-based 3D face photography. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, p. 313-320, 2008.
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4.   NOMA, A. ; PARDO, A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Structural Matching of 2D Electrophoresis Gels using Graph Models. Em: SIBGRAPI, 2008.
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1.   ANDREANI, R. ; CESAR, G. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; MARTINEZ, J. M. ; SILVA, P J S. Efficient curve detection using a Gauss-Newton method with applications in agriculture. Em: 1st International Workshop on Computer Vision Applications for Developing Regions in Conjunction with ICCV 2007, 2007.
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2.   CONSULARO, L. A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; BLOCH, Isabelle. Structural Image Segmentation with Interactive Model Generation (ACCEPTED). Em: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP, 2007.
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3.   CONSULARO, L. A. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; FIGUEIREDO, L H ; BLOCH, Isabelle. Oversegmentation control for inexact graph matching: first results (ACCEPTED). Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology - ISMM 2007, 2007.
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4.   GRACIANO, A B V ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; BLOCH, Isabelle. Object Tracking Based On Graph Representations And Structural Pattern Recognition (ACCEPTED). Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics, 2007.
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1.   BLOCH, Isabelle ; COLLIOT, O ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Modélisation de la relation spatiale entre pour des objets d'extensions spatiales très différentes. Em: 15e congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, 2006.
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2.   CHALCO, J M ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Identificación de regiones codificantes de proteínas mediante la transformada modificada de Morlet. Em: XIII Concurso Latinoamericano de Tesis de Maestría. 32a Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI, 2006.
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3.   LEANDRO, J. J. G. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; COSTA, L. da F.. Determining the Branching Structure of 3D Structures from Respective 2D Projections. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics, 2006.
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4.   PINTO, S. C. D. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; COSTA, L. da F.. Análise de Formas 3D usando Wavelets 1D, 2D e 3D. Em: Workshop de teses e dissertações - SIBGRAPI, 2006.
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5.   PIRES, D da S ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; VIEIRA, M B ; VELHO, L. Rastreamento de Componentes Conexas em Vídeo 3D para Obtenção de. Em: Workshop de teses e dissertações - SIBGRAPI, 2006.
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6.   ZANA, Y. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P.. Human and Machine Recognition of Fourier-Bessel Filtered Face Images. Em: 7th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, p. 299-304, 2006.
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(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2006 até 2014
Data de processamento: 20/06/2014 00:47:51