Teste 01 do scriptLattes (período 2006-2014)

Artigos completos publicados em periódicos

Número total de itens: 27


1.   DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO A. ; MENA-CHALCO, JESÚS P. ; VAZ DE MELO, PEDRO O. S. ; MALHEIRO, ANA P. R. ; MEIRA, DÂNIA N. O. ; FRANCO, LARYSSA F. ; OLIVEIRA, LEONARDO B.. BraX-Ray: An X-Ray of the Brazilian Computer Science Graduate Programs. Plos One. v. 9, p. e94541, issn: 19326203, 2014.
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2.   Lopes, Fabrício M. ; RAY, SHUBHRA SANKAR ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; Cesar, Roberto M.. Entropic Biological Score: a cell cycle investigation for GRN inference. Gene (Amsterdam). p. 129-137, issn: 03781119, 2014.
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3.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; LOPES, F. M. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Brazilian bibliometric coauthorship networks. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. v. 65, p. 1424-1445, issn: 23301635, 2014.
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1.   CAMPITELI, MONICA GUIMARÃES ; COMIN, CESAR HENRIQUE ; COSTA, LUCIANO DA FONTOURA ; BABU, MADAN ; Cesar, Roberto Marcondes. A methodology to infer gene networks from spatial patterns of expression - An application to fuorescence insitu hybridization images. Molecular Biosystems (Print). v. 9, p. 1926, issn: 1742206X, 2013.
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2.   Martins, David C. ; DE OLIVEIRA, EVALDO A. ; BRAGA-NETO, ULISSES M. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; Cesar, Roberto M.. Signal propagation in Bayesian networks and its relationship with intrinsically multivariate predictive variables. Information Sciences. v. 225, p. 18-34, issn: 00200255, 2013.
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1.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; OLIVEIRA, L. B.. Perfil de produção acadêmica dos programas brasileiros de pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação nos triênios 2004-2006 e 2007-2009. Em Questão (UFRGS. Impresso). v. 18, p. 215-229, issn: 18078893, 2012.
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2.   Noma, Alexandre ; Graciano, Ana B.V. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; Consularo, Luis A. ; BLOCH, Isabelle. Interactive image segmentation by matching attributed relational graphs. Pattern Recognition. v. 45, p. 1159-1179, issn: 00313203, 2012.
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3.   TAKEMURA, Celina Maki ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; BLOCH, Isabelle. Modeling and measuring the spatial relation along : Regions, contours and fuzzy sets. Pattern Recognition. v. 45, p. 757-766, issn: 00313203, 2012.
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4.   VICENTE, FÁBIO FR ; LOPES, FABRÍCIO M ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F ; Cesar, Roberto M. Assessing the gain of biological data integration in gene networks inference. BMC Genomics. v. 13, p. S7, issn: 14712164, 2012.
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1.   Lopes, Fabrício ; de Oliveira, Evaldo A ; Cesar, Roberto M. Inference of gene regulatory networks from time series by Tsallis entropy. BMC Systems Biology. v. 5, p. 61, issn: 17520509, 2011.
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2.   Lopes, Fabrício M. ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; Costa, Luciano Da F.. Gene Expression Complex Networks: Synthesis, Identification, and Analysis. Journal of Computational Biology. v. 18, p. 1353-1367, issn: 10665277, 2011.
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3.   Noma, Alexandre ; Pardo, Alvaro ; Cesar Jr., Roberto M.. Structural matching of 2D electrophoresis gels using deformed graphs. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 32, p. 3-11, issn: 01678655, 2011.
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4.   Portugal-Zambrano, Christian E. ; MENA-CHALCO, JESÚS P.. Robust Range Finder Through a Laser Pointer and a Webcam. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. v. 281, p. 143-157, issn: 15710661, 2011.
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1.   LEANDRO, J ; CESARJR, R ; COSTA, L. Automatic contour extraction from 2D neuron images. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. v. 177, p. 497-509, issn: 01650270, 2009.
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2.   LIZIER, M. A. ; MARTINS JR, D C ; CUADROS-VARGAS, A. J. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; NONATO, L. G.. Generating segmented meshes from textured color images. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. v. 20, p. 190-203, issn: 10473203, 2009.
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3.   Mena-Chalco, Jesús P. ; Macêdo, Ives ; Velho, Luiz ; Cesar, Roberto M.. 3D Face Computational Photography Using PCA Spaces. The Visual Computer. v. 25, p. 899-909, issn: 01782789, 2009.
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4.   MENA-CHALCO, JESÚS PASCUAL ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO MARCONDES CESAR. scriptLattes: an open-source knowledge extraction system from the Lattes platform. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso). v. 15, p. 31-39, issn: 01046500, 2009.
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5.   ZANA, Y. ; MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. A Novel Polar-based Human Face Recognition Computational Model. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso). v. 42, p. 637-646, issn: 0100879X, 2009.
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1.   Lopes, Fabricio M. ; Martins, David C. ; Cesar, Roberto M.. Feature selection environment for genomic applications. BMC Bioinformatics. v. 9, p. 451, issn: 14712105, 2008.
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2.   MENA-CHALCO, J. P. ; CARRER, H. ; ZANA, Y. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Identification of protein coding regions using the modified Gabor-wavelet transform. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Print). v. 5, p. 198-207, issn: 15455963, 2008.
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1.   BARRERA, J ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; HUMES JR., C. ; MARTINS JR, D C ; PATRAO, D. F. C. ; SILVA, P J S ; BRENTANI, H. A feature selection approach for identification of signature genes from SAGE data. BMC Bioinformatics. v. 8, p. 1, issn: 14712105, 2007.
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2.   Jelinek, Herbert F. ; Cree, Michael J. ; Leandro, Jorge J. G. ; Soares, João V. B. ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; Luckie, A.. Automated segmentation of retinal blood vessels and identification of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics Image Science and Vision. v. 24, p. 1448, issn: 10847529, 2007.
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1.   BLOCH, Isabelle ; COLLIOT, O ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. On the ternary spatial relation. Part B, Cybernetics. v. 36, p. 312-327, issn: 10834419, 2006.
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2.   MARTINS JR, D C ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; BARRERA, J. W-operator Window Design by Minimization of Mean Conditional Entropy. Pattern Analysis and Applications. v. 9, p. 139-153, issn: 14337541, 2006.
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3.   Soares, J.V.B. ; Leandro, J.J.G. ; Cesar, R.M. ; Jelinek, H.F. ; Cree, M.J.. Retinal vessel segmentation using the 2-D Gabor wavelet and supervised classification. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. v. 25, p. 1214-1222, issn: 02780062, 2006.
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4.   ZANA, Y ; CESARJR, R ; FERIS, R ; TURK, M. Local approach for face verification in polar frequency domain. Image and Vision Computing. v. 24, p. 904-913, issn: 02628856, 2006.
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5.   ZANA, Yossi ; Cesar, Roberto M.. Face recognition based on polar frequency features. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception. v. 3, n. 1, p. 62-82, issn: 15443558, 2006.
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(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2006 até 2014
Data de processamento: 20/06/2014 00:47:51